STONE / Fernando La Rosa

"Piedra Triangular Peru"


Fernando La Rosa, on the other hand, reveals stone as a tantric object, an object that induces contemplation about the world and the mind that perceives it. The titles "White rock," "White stone" and "Triangular stone" sound as a mantra. These three works share a central point of luminosity: the white stone. In "White rock," stones in flowing water are the permanent objects in the river of change &endash; Heraclitus' enduring metaphor. "White stone," on the other hand, reveals a different river of which rock is but a part, the dry river of sand &endash;that mixture of minerals and organic matter that delineates bodies of water and carpets deserts. "Triangular stone" closes the cycle. A shadow in this last image &endash;a virtual object&emdash;hints at a mountain, the source of rock and river, symbol of permanence and impermanence. La Rosa's work is also about the medium of photography itself. The whiteness of these stones is not only the color of these rocks, it is the luminosity obtained through the intentional handling of the chemistry of the medium. Looking at the white stones in La Rosa's photographs is like looking at the world under the guidance of a Zen master.

"Piedra Blanca PerĂº"



"Piedra Blanca, PerĂº"