STONE / Marseille
rises her Wall |
The work of Veronique Brill begins as environmental sculptural installations that appear in the landscape as inanimate witnesses of enigmatic events: expected arrivals, transgressions, cycles, etc. However, unlike environmental artists who regard the photographing of their works as secondary &endash;often leaving to others the task of recording them&endash; Brill makes it a fundamental aspect of her aesthetic project. In fact, she carefully chooses the time of day (hence, the color temperature), angle and vantage point of every photograph of her installations, so that each one is an autonomous work. In "Marseille léve ses Guetteurs," Brill built stone sculptures of rocks upon rocks that vaguely resemble chess pieces and hence, humans. The figures that Brill builds are usually placed along the seashore of the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean. They seem to wait, watch, guard, and/or stand vertically against the horizon. It is this verticality that is their most human (and perchance, divine) trait. The gargantuan breadth of her project can only be fathomed by visiting Brill's website. |